Spring Break
my spring break in a nutshell: (in no particular order...)
- visited three college campuses in an attempt to choose a graduate program for the fall.
- played a lot of yahoo euchre. there were two nights where without realizing it, i stayed up until 6am playing. thats my obsessive-compulsive-kinda-scary side.
- made a house call to one of my advisees homes to pick up a recommendation form for a math camp and to help her complete the application (thats the ONLY teacher thing i did do).
- went on one really lame date which i think has forced me to give up internet dating all together.
- ate 3 big macs - with extra sauce of course.
- only turned on my TV to watch piston basketball...the end of the season is so boring. i cant wait for the playoffs to start.
- shared easter dinner with a coworker and her in-laws (which she refers to as her out-laws).
- met up with some old girlfriends and their kids for dinner.
- tackled the flu (although the cough part seems to still be lingering).
- got an email from my principal saying how proud she is of my growth over the past two years and how sad she is that i am leaving. she says she will miss me.
- got another email from my principal (two days later) asking me to submit my letter of resignation to free up my space so she can hire a replacement.
- attended my first "funeral viewing session" - not sure what its called formally, but the day before the funeral when you look at the dead body and offer condolences to the family.
- ordered wings from buffalo wild wings. one of my favorite restaurants from back home that i just discovered has opened 20 mins away from my place. comfort food.
- paid all my bills. apparently in my hell weeks prior to spring break i had received a few collection notices that i never opened. oops.
- received a phone call from my mom who is currently in India. didnt expect a call so it was a welcomed surprise.
- did a lot of sudoku puzzles. even invested in an elctronic handheld sudoku game that sucks cuz its hard to read the screen. i like my book much better.
- got my first pedicure of the season.
- ate an entire box of lofthouse cookies in 3 days. that cant be good for me. but it felt good.
- booked a ticket to fly home for a good friend's wedding in june.
- only drank 5 beers all week (and 4 of them we on the friday we got out of school).
- decided that i will be attending Howard University this fall to get my Masters degree.