Just an average mo...

I'm not loud...nor am i quiet...I'm just average. I'm not rich...nor am i poor...I'm just average. I'm not a genius...but i am not dumb...I'm just average. I'm not a meanie...but i am not too nice...I'm just average. Just your average mo...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Boring People Suck

Boring people suck. They suck to talk to, they suck to work with, they just suck to be around. You know the type of person that will speak in monotone...never gets excited about anything. the person that will have an entire conversation without changing their tone at all. bleh. Then they call you...and you feel guilty ignoring them...almost like you feel bad for them and want to add some joy to their life.

"hey, just thought about you. was walking around the target looking for a lamp, they have one i like but its not the right shade of burgandy. maybe i will just get it anyway. oh wait they dont have one in a box. the one plugged in has a tag on it, maybe i'll just unplug it and take it up to the register. well maybe i should get someone to see if they have any in the back, oh nevermind i dont feel like it. there is this guy that keeps staring at me. i wonder if i know him from somewhere..." and on and on and on...all in a monotone voice...

and he talked for almost 6 minutes (yes i timed it as the conversation was so dull i needed something to occupy my thoughts) and for the entire time i said NOTHING. not even an "umm hmm"...but apparently that didnt phase him...he just kept on going with his target store play by play. puuuh-lease!! stop torturing me...

how do you make it through life being so boring? find something that makes you happy. anything. start a collection, drink a beer, get laid, ANYTHING. i just sit there and listen in disbelief. it boggles my mind that a person can be so dull...

i hope people like that have a happy side somewhere...and i am just not privvy to it. at least i hope that is the case because its too depressing to think that they dont...


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